We offer fast and reliable delivery for XPLUS GOLD to All India. The delivery time takes an average of 6 to 8 days.

You can be sure that our delivery will be prompt and of top quality. We collaborate only with trusted companies and organizations. At the moment, we ship through Fedex, Delhivary, Ecom Express and India Post are also available at your request.

We do deliver parcels and packages of any size and weight. After we have received your order , your items will be shipped out the next day. Hence, you are able to quickly receive your orders as soon as possible and begin to convert your dreams into reality.

Our company offers guaranteed delivery services, which is pure evidence that we care about every buyer. Some companies provide selective guarantee for their products, but we provide 100% guarantee for each parcel.

Our company guarantees that you will receive your order on the agreed date. The dates can vary depending on external factors independent of us. However, in any case, you will receive your order safe and complete.

If your order is lost by the postal service (one of the factors independent of us), we also guarantee to send you a replacement as soon as possible.

Note. We guarantee that we send original and high-quality XPLUS GOLD from the official manufacturer and that the powder contains only natural ingredients.

Having realized how personal and individual men take the issue of their sexual problems and dissatisfaction with their penis size, we have introduced a strict privacy policy. This guarantees absolute protection of our clients against third-party intrusions into their private life.

Every employee of Tiger King Gel Inc. strongly guards the interests of our customers. We are true professionals, who guarantee 100% complete anonymity and safety of all the data given to us by customers. We ensure that such data are not used for other purposes.

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